Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law

Law and Sustainability Operating Fund

Law and Sustainability Operating Fund

Learn more about your impact

ASU's Program on Law & Sustainability is a nationally ranked law program offering diverse curricular, experiential and networking opportunities for students interested in environmental sustainability-related legal practice areas.

The program pairs students with practicing environmental lawyers in a year-long mentorship program to help students make connections within the state's environmental bar and learn more about environmental practice areas that interest them. Your gift also supports the program's Sustainability Law Research Fellows initiative. Students produce full-length legal academic articles on environmental sustainability-related topics for publication in law journals nationwide.

We choose to invest in ASU because of its agility, speed and focus on innovation. The Swette Center engages in cross-disciplinary research and collaborates with many partners, including private sector leaders, to create food systems change."

Kelly Swette

CEO of Sweet Earth Natural Foods, who with her husband Brian, gave a gift to establish the Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems at ASU

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