School of Public Affairs

Center for Independent and Sustainable Democracy

Center for Independent and Sustainable Democracy

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This fund supports the Center for a Sustainable and Independent Democracy. Growing dissatisfaction with the party system and voter frustration with a polarized and paralyzed government perpetuated by partisan entities have fueled a breakdown in self-government and public trust. According to a Gallup poll, 50% of U.S. citizens in February 2021 identified themselves as independents, one important indicator of the disintegration of traditional political institutions. This dis-alignment is as diverse and dynamic as the nation itself: half of millennials, 37% of Latinos, 27% of African Americans and 45% of Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans nationally identify as independents.

This fund supports innovative research, policy briefs and public forums around the state of American democracy, the limitations of a partisan political system and the possibilities for a democratic re-imagining. The two-fold focus of the center is on exploring nonpartisan reforms and redesigns of federal, state and local governance of electoral structures and a deep-dive examination of the independent voter.

The Center for Independent and Sustainable Democracy is completely funded by private donations, and your generosity ensures that the center can continue its necessary work.

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I believe ASU is a major life force in our community and I want to do my part to help it thrive."

ASU donor Jeremy Meek

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